You may call or contact us to notify us of any complaint in relation to our marketing or supply of energy or water to your supply address. We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible.
Altogether is committed to treating complaints promptly, fairly, equitably, confidentially and professionally at no cost to the Customer. Altogether’s aim is to manage complaints such that they can support the constant improvement of our Customer services.
If a Customer has a complaint regarding any aspect of our Services, the Customer should contact us, and we will aim to resolve the issue as quickly as we can. Altogether welcomes Customer and community feedback as it helps us to identify problems and improve our operations.
Please see our Complaints and Dispute Resolution Policy
Altogether is a member of the Energy & Water Ombudsman, which provides free fair and independent dispute resolution for water, gas and electricity customers.
If a complaint cannot be resolved to a customers’ satisfaction by Altogether’s Customer Services team, the matter will be referred to a higher level of management within Altogether.
If a customer is still dissatisfied with the outcome, they may choose to contact the Energy
and Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON) or the Energy and Water Ombudsman QLD (EWOQ).
EWON and EWOQ provide a free and independent way to resolve complaints.
For our NSW customers, EWONs contact details are:
- Freecall: 1800 246 545
- Free Fax: 1800 812 291
- Freepost: Reply paid 86550, Sydney NSW 1234
- On-line:
- Website:
For our QLD customers, EWOQs contact details are:
- Freecall: 1800 662 837
- Freepost: PO Box 3460, South Brisbane QLD 4101
- Email:
- Website: