You are required to notify Altogether if you are planning to undertake any works on or near an Altogether live network, which may directly or inadvertently result in disruption to that network. A disruption being; reduced flow/pressure, isolation, re-routing etc, regardless of the location of the service or number of customers connected to that section of the network.
If you need to request a service outage on an Altogether network, please click on the link below and complete our online form:
Please note:
- Altogether will respond to your request within 2 business days.
- Altogether require 14 calendar days to assess your application.
- If Altogether customers will be or maybe affected as a result of the planned works, Altogether are required to provide 5 days’ notice to its customers.
- Only Altogether personnel are permitted to operate live network valves
- Make sure you have submitted an enquiry through Dial Before You Dig.