Please check our website for any planned works or service outages in your area, if you believe your water supply has been restricted as there may be a planned or unplanned outage in your area.
Altogether may restrict (or in serious cases, disconnect) the supply of water services to your Property in the following circumstances:
- if you have missed a payment by the due date and have not made alternative payment arrangements with us, we may restrict any or all of the Services, or take legal action in order to recover the debt, or both. The restriction may include reducing the flow of water delivered to your Property.
- if Your Water System or Your Wastewater System has not been authorised or does not comply with applicable codes, regulations and standards or our connection requirements;
- you fail to rectify a defect in Your Water System, Your Wastewater System or your landscaping where it compromises the operation and/or maintenance of our water and/or wastewater system;
- you breach contract, the Act or other agreement with us concerning the use or taking of water or the discharge of wastewater or stormwater or access onto your Property;
- you discharge trade wastewater into our wastewater system without a trade waste agreement with us or do not comply with the conditions of the trade waste agreement;
- if a serious health, environmental or operational risk is posed by the discharge of chemicals or other substances from your Property into our wastewater system;
- if a serious health or environmental risk is posed by backflow of any substance from Your Water System into our water system;
- if you have not correctly installed and maintained a backflow prevention device prior to being connected to our water system or have failed to provide a test report by the due date (if required);
- you use your recycled water in a manner inconsistent with its intended purpose or in a manner contrary to the information we provide about using recycled water; or
- where we are entitled or required to restrict or to discontinue supply under an applicable law.