Public utilities conduct sewage testing for markers of coronavirus as an ‘early warning’ for the virus circulating in a general area (see information here). Health alerts resulting from sewage testing in suburbs adjacent to the communities we serve should be taken as also applying to our communities.
For your information in interpreting health alerts, public utility sewerage schemes adjacent to our communities drain to the following sewage treatment plants:
- Box Hill/Gables: Riverstone Sewage Treatment Plant (Sydney Water)
- Cooranbong: Dora Creek Wastewater Treatment Works (Hunter Water)
- Central Park: Bondi Sewage Treatment Plant (Sydney Water)
- Discovery Point: Malabar Sewage Treatment Plant (Sydney Water)
- Huntlee: Branxton Wastewater Treatment Works (Hunter Water)
- Pitt Town: McGrath Hill Wastewater Treatment Works (Hawkesbury City Council)
- Shepherds Bay: North Head Sewage Treatment Plant (Sydney Water)
For more information on the NSW Health sewage surveillance program, refer to the NSW Health website: